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The Syrian Civil War: Alawites, Women's Rights, and the Arab Spring (a History Talk podcast)
The war in Syria explained in five minutes
Frontline - The Battle for Syria | Epic Documentaries
Christian and Alawite Women and Children can be killed (Free Syrian Army Hatespeech)
Free Syrian Army rats want permission to kill [Alawite] Women and Children
How The Middle East Became So Chaotic | History Documentary
Alawites A History of Bloodshed Treachery Eng Part 1 of 2
An Alawite Explains Alawite Beliefs - Interview with an Alawite
Analysis: Alawite women and children taken hostage in Syria
Alawites are our beloved brothers. Those who speak against our...
Syria Explained: Civil War, Terrorism and Refugee Crisis
Why the Middle East’s Borders Guarantee Forever Wars